Tag Archives: FT Master Series

“Kenobi Saber – FT Master Series” Inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Iconic Saber

“Hello there!”….yes hello everybody! If you recognised the quote then you may have an idea who this post and saber design is in tribute to. As some of you will know Disney and Lucasfilm has just broadcast it’s latest Star Wars live action show, “Obi-Wan Kenobi” and the finale aired this week. Sadly I don’t have Disney+ in my cable subscription so haven’t seen any of the shows (I still have to watch The Mandalorian too yet) BUT I felt it was time that I modelled the classic Obi-Wan Kenobi saber that he uses during the time this show is set. The show takes place between the movies “Revenge of the Sith” and the original Star Wars (A New Hope) and tells the story of what Kenobi was doing on Tatooine and how he was overseeing the young Luke Skywalker. This saber was Kenobi’s THIRD lightsaber, having lost his first during his battle with Darth Maul in “The Phantom Menace” then when he was captured by Count Dooku and the Geonossians in “Attack of the Clones” his second saber was taken from him. So much for “Remember, you lightsaber is your life”! Anyhoo the third saber was an elegant “Thin Neck” style lightsaber that looked a bit like this:

Kenobi’s third lightsaber from Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith

It was a much more complex lightsaber and one that Obi-Wan was constantly modifying and “tinkering” with. And this is the saber he used to defeat Anakin Skywalker in the pivotal duel that led to the emergence of Darth Vader – you know the whole “ANAKIN! You were the Chosen One!” bit. So it was this saber I had to model and after about two weeks’ of tinkering myself I came up with this…here’s a few “arty” work in progress shots….

These pictures show the 3D model with a “MatCap” texture on it. The MatCap texture creates a sort of “Clay Model” effect so I can see how a model is shaping up before I apply the final textures. I realised I had added a part that isn’t on the Episode 3 saber so I had to remodel that part (if you look on the neck there is a round drum shaped object with a fan like insert – this is known as the wind vane and was in real life a part of an old World War 1 rifle launched grenade!). So another hour of work and I had removed the incorrect part and modelled a new neck section. I then started adding the final textures and little details till I came up with this….here is Gallery One….

I think I came pretty close considering I had no diagrams or blueprints to base the model off, I just estimated the dimensions and did it by eye (though it isn’t far off). The saber has the elegant bell/cup shaped emitter sat atop the brass/copper thin neck section. I made the thin neck look darker and tarnished as Obi-Wan had used this hilt in battle on the volcanic planet of Mustafar so would have some signs of wear. Next to the thin neck is the black “Grenade Grip” foregrip which gives the hilt amazing tactile feeling when you hold one. The mid section of the hilt is the switch section with the copper “printed circuit” board plate. This mid section also has two old transistors used to replicate buttons on the side of the hilt. To finish the saber I modelled the “Booster Gear Cog” which is the ribbed black segment with the small belt hanging Covertech wheel attached. The Booster Cog was again a piece of WW2 hardware, this time being a section of barrel from a heavy machine gun recoil absorber. Then finally another iconic part, I modelled the pommel….this time the pommel was made out of an old sink faucet/tap. A famous bathroom accessories company named Armitage Shanks produced a faucet/tap knob called the “Starlight” and it is this knob that was used by Roger Christian (the prop designer of Star Wars) to build Sir Alec Guinness’ famous lightsaber. Anyhoo, I’m taking too much again and its time for some close up detail pictures of what I just spoke about, here’s Gallery Two….

You can clearly see the thin neck, grenade grip, the transistors and circuit board and the Booster Gear Cog in these images. And you might just be able to make out some etching, which says “Graflex” – this marking shows that the switch section is made from the clamp found on old press photographers’ cameras which were made between 1958-1970. The famous Skywalker lightsaber which Alec Guinness’ Obi-Wan gives to Luke was made using a Graflex camera flashgun.

Now I mentioned that this was a saber I am including in my “Master Series” of designs and so it needs something special to qualify and that something is of course, a heart of Kyber crystal. SO this hilt features a crystal chamber inside and when opened you can see the glowing crystal within…here’s Gallery Three!….

A fitting finale to this saber design and hopefully a fitting tribute to Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have heard/read mixed reviews about the Disney show so I can’t say how good it is or not but at least we still have the original Star Wars movie content (with Sir Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor as young Obi) to enjoy. And i hope you have enjoyed this Master Series offering, I was happy with the results of two and bit week’s work. You can see other “FT Master Series” hilts by clicking this link: https://ftsabersite.wordpress.com/tag/ft-master-series/

And that just about wraps up this post and tribute to Master Kenobi. Obi-Wan did have one more saber variant seen in Star Wars (A New Hope) but I still have to model that one for a future post. Hopefully you will call back to FTSabersite to check it out and much more that I have lined up. But for now thank you all for visiting and supporting me and this site, it’s much appreciated. Please comment, maybe leave a like and subscribe if you haven’t already. Till next time…..

“Kenobi Saber – FT Master Series” is a For Tyeth Editions creation inspired by the lightsaber seen in “Star Wars” Episodes 3&4 and “SW Obi-Wan Kenobi” on Disney+. The saber was 3D modelled and rendered by For Tyeth/FTSabersite and the files/models/images are ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2022. The saber and all related names and images are Trademark/©Copyright of Disney/Lucasfilm.

Lost Build Two – Another FT Original

Hello everybody, I continue today with my series of “recovered” hilts with the second of the Lost Files. Again as I thought I had lost this design I didn’t give it a name. This hilt has a few more features built in as I pushed Blender’s workflow and features. As a result I had a saber that could be either Lightside Jedi or Darkside Sith….depending on your point of view (and the colour scheme you pick!) I will add that I don’t have work in progress images for this one but there are still a dozen images for you to look at. Here is the first gallery…starting with a spooky shadow…

This hilt has an aggressive attitude and a whole viper’s nest of claws! Not only claws but windows (no not Microsoft 😏) a “grenade grip” main body and an FTE lighted pommel. The improved workspace in Blender allowed me to quickly model and texture this hilt and add special little details with just a couple of mouse clicks. I am particularly pleased with the claws, because not only does it have six of them (double the number I used on my Gre’thor Blade – A Klingon inspired field weapon hilts) but they have illuminated elements built into them. Here is gallery two…

I really like the idea of lit claws and I think they should be possible to build in real life using fibre optic cables such as those found on “Fibre Optic Tree” lamp decorations and in Modified Custom Car interior designs. The lit pommel isn’t quite as fancy as the one I built for the Zygerrian Sting Saber sabers but I did build this design earlier, however I may return to this and update the crystal and improve on it. Finally I mentioned above this could be a Sith styled hilt with a change of colour so here are a couple of the Sith variant and a couple of pics of what I have coming up! A sneaky Sith sneak peek!…

These new hilts are inspired by the cartoon series “The Clone Wars” and “Star Wars Rebels” and represent about half of the sabers I still have to show. As soon as I bring you a new lightsaber I am already working on the next batch…and I may soon be able to bring you a MASSIVE new ship as well. Lots to look forward to, I hope.

This just abut wraps things up for this post, except to say thank you so much for your visit today. As always whether this is your first time on FTSabersite or you are a regular visitor you are much appreciated and don’t forget to leave a comment or like and if you can spread the word about this little corner of the internet that would be fantastic. So stay safe and…..Till next time….

“Lost Build Two” is a For Tyeth Editions design and all images and design are ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2020. Star Wars, Rebels and The Clone Wars and all other names, logos, and related material are Trademark/©Copyright of Disney/Lucasfilm.

Skywalker-Risen saber – A Master Series saber.

Hello Everybody, well! it’s less than a week to the release of the new film Rise of Skywalker! Can you believe that? And as it is such an exciting time for fans I felt I needed a BIG saber for possibly the BIGGEST Master of them all….Luke Skywalker! We didn’t really see him use his iconic green bladed hilt he constructed and so I thought why not show my version of this hilt today. This is my “Master Series” model of that iconic saber complete with a few hidden features. I did make a few videos and would have stitched them together to make a more polished production but unfortunately I had a few issues with my laptop again…but I did my best. Now Luke constructed his saber in a cave on Tatooine using the plans he obtained from Obi-Wan Kenobi’s homestead. There was a scene in Return of the Jedi of Luke completing his saber but it was cut out of the final edit, however here is that scene found on YouTube…

So I took a trip to a desert planet and set to work building my tribute saber and this is what I came up with…this is Skywalker-Risen…

I said a few posts back that I didn’t know how I was going to top my Graflex inspired saber model but with this hilt, I think I may just have surpassed any hilt I have modeled to date! I managed to recreate the beautiful emitter with the thin neck, complete with the copper accented drum part. Then comes the distinctive black and silver ribbed “grenade” grip part. Connected to the grenade handgrip is the main body of the hilt with the famous Control Box you can see Luke poking into with his screwdriver in the video. The control box has matching black and silver stripes on the top panel and is surrounded by decorative copper rails. On the side of the box are two triangular accent function lights and two black activation buttons. The hilt is finished off with a pommel that harks back to Obi-Wan’s saber from Star Wars ANH which looks like a tap/faucet knob…and it comes complete with  a triangular belt hanger loop!

This was a really detailed build and just to show you how detailed here is a picture of the model as I was building it…Jedi Master Build Studio 1 MK

As you can see there seems to be something going on inside the hilt, a lot of things to be precise! Yes, there is a crystal chamber in the handgrip AND a chamber in the pommel….and if that wasn’t enough, the control box cover slides open!

Look closely inside the control box and you will even find components fully modeled including Hex Head topped adjustment screws (these are what Luke is adjusting in the video above to set the blade length and power settings) and there are four power regulator capsules (which are actually real world resistors which I modeled). To show when the saber is correctly set the two LED indicators shine green! Here is another short little animation showing the Triple Reveal in action…

As you can see this hilt really is unbelievably complex! How I constructed it in a cave I don’t know, I just knew that if Master Luke managed it then I too had to. And to give you an idea of the conditions in that cave take a look at this…we’re going out on location in this video…

Again, I apologise for the video being short but I was on location and experiencing Technical Issues (hopefully in the New Year I will have a new laptop! Hopefully!)

Ok I have a final batch of images to give a slightly better look at all the little details and fancy bits and there is a DarkSide version of this hilt as well just for balance….

Phew! This is a LOOONG post! But I have one final crowning feature to show you all. So far my hilts have had static non moving blades, as I struggled to master the animation feature to recreate the extending blade and combining it with the glow effect….well watch this next clip and get ready for the “SNAP!-Hiss”…

I finally nailed the animation tricks needed to make the blade extend (and retract) and I thought I’d add a little sound effect too! Just in time for the new and sadly last movie in the Skywalker saga. I hope you enjoyed this design and my tribute to Master Skywalker’s saber, I certainly pushed every limit I could think of to accomplish it!

That just about wraps up this post but first I need to thank you (for reading this far and…) for all the support you have given me. Whether you are a first time visitor or a regular thanks so much for your time, likes and comments, you are very much appreciated. Now I have more new designs still to come in future posts and I will be writing a few posts about The Rise of Skywalker (I’m giving myself a birthday treat and getting VIP tickets to see it!) I hope you will return to see all of that and more! Till next time…

“Skywalker-Risen” is a For Tyeth Editions design/model and is ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2019. “Luke Skywalker”, “Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker” and all other names, images, video and related material are Trademark/©Copyright of Disney/LucasFilm.

Vengeance Saber (AOTC) – My first Master Series hilt.

Hello Everybody, today is a big day because I have decided to showcase the first of my “Master Series” models! And the first one up is the hilt belonging to Anakin Skywalker in the movie Attack of the Clones! (Ep.2). I built this model way back when I made my “The Destined One” hilt for Vader but it was just a solid model. I also made a small mistake in the shape of the emitter as I based it on one of Vader’s hilts but Anakin’s is much more sleek so I remodelled it. Here are two pictures of my first attempt you may have seen in my “Upcoming Sabers” posters I posted a few months back…

I wasn’t happy with the accent LED lights on the side of the saber either, so a rebuild really was necessary. I decided to tidy up the interior of the model and reshape the emitter and replace the LEDs. And as this is a special saber I thought “let’s give it some WOW factor while I’m at it!” You have seen sabers I have modelled that have “crystal chambers” but this one has what is known as a “crystal reveal”. But before I show you what a “crystal reveal” is I will post a couple of studio pics and the remodelled non-reveal pictures…

The hilt has a D-Ring to hang the saber from a belt hook, and just below are two control knobs used to alter power and blade settings. These may look familiar as earth objects as the prop makers used electrical components called “terminal post screw and caps” which consisted of a threaded post which you wrapped bare copper wire around then you screwed a thumbscrew to fix the wire in place. They make great detail parts. The emitter has also been reshaped, and the LEDs improved. And did you see the crystal? No?….Oh I forgot….I need to do the big reveal!

I said this hilt was a bit special, not only does it have a crystal…it has TWO crystals and the saber unscrews to slide open to reveal them all lit up! I made the crystal chamber parts as interchangeable modules which fit inside the model (this was why I had to “tidy up” the interior so they would actually fit inside). The two crystals have special functions in Star Wars lore, the one in the handgrip helps power the saber while the one in the emitter helps “focus” that power into a blade.  I also went to town and added quite a bit of tiny detail into these modules as you can see in the following pictures…

This weapon as I mentioned, is the hilt Anakin owned in Ep.2 and has a sad legacy as it was the weapon he used to slay the Tusken Raiders in retaliation for the death of his mother, Shmi, at their hands. The quote above in the title image comes from the film where he describes his frustrations and actions to Padme on Tatooine. This moment in the film was the tipping point where Anakin became more like his alter ego Darth Vader. He took out “Vengeance” on the Tusken Raiders and hence my saber model’s name.

This just about wraps up my first “Master Series” offering and I hope you liked it. I am always trying to push my modelling skills and this hilt really tested me. And I couldn’t just build one so I have FOUR more “Master” hilts to show you in the run up to The Rise Of Skywalker. I hope you will return to see those (and many more) designs in future posts. Plus next week I will be joined by a very talented artist with the nickname “PsychoSith”. Thank you so much for checking this saber and post out, your support is always amazing and is much appreciated. Till next time….

“Vengeance Saber” is a For Tyeth Editions design based on Anakin Skywalker’s hilt from the movie “Star Wars Ep.2 Attack of the Clones” and is ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2019. “Star Wars”, “Attack of the Clones”, “Anakin Skywalker” and all other Star Wars names, logos, images and related material are Trademark/©Copyright of Disney/LucasFilm. 

Coming Soon! – The “Master Series”

Hello Everybody, just a short post to tease you all with a glimpse of my upcoming “Master Series” collection of hilts. So let me shine a “Rey” of light with this sneak peek….GReyFlex Master Ultimate Studio 1 MK

And it kinda looks a bit like this with it’s textures!….GReyFlex Master Ultimate MK

I hope you’ll call back to FTSabersite and see the full collection with all the pictures you could hope for!

For Tyeth

“For Tyeth Master Series” ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2019. Star Wars and “The Rise of Skywalker” are Trademark/©Copyright of Disney/LucasFilm.