“TCE 2 Tissue Compression Eliminator ver 2” – The Master’s smaller more deadly device

Hello Everybody and welcome to today’s post. In this slightly shorter offering (I’ve been busy going through projects I need to work on and finish) I return to the Dr Whoniverse and the Master’s Tissue Compression Eliminator weapon. Now this weapon was used by the Master against the Third Doctor and it was nasty. It allowed the Master to shrink his victims so that they died through being compressed and suffocate – though there was a setting that made it possible to leave the person just on the edge of death to be later restored to full size (if they were lucky). But this weapon suffered by the fact it was larger than it needed to be and the Master later redesigned it to be more compact and deadly. Here is the original TCE weapon….

As a result this was about the size of a regular lightsaber hilt (approx. 30cm/12in long and 8cm/4in in diameter) which made it hard to carry or conceal…so here is the redesigned version…

As you can see the weapon is much more compact and the Master holds it as if it is a cigar, using an activation button on the pommel endcap. Now it is this smaller version I have to show you all today so let’s get to it…Gallery One…

This made the weapon much more sinister as it could be secreted in the Master’s pocket easily. To operate the device it extends like a telescope body and is then held between the first and second fingers like you would a syringe then you would use your thumb to depress the activation button on the end (seen in pic 3) So here is the second gallery to show the device in it’s extended mode….

From a designers’ point of view this is quite an elegant design but you might not think that if you are facing the business end of the Compressor as seen in picture three! You might be able to make out that there are three emitter bulbs in the casing that are made with the same crystal from the original TCE 1.

The Master was a bit fussy and never satisfied with anything he’d built or done and so the TCE 2 isn’t the last iteration of his weapon, there was a third update which I also have modelled and will bring to you in a future post. For now though I will have to bring this post to an end as I need to finish polishing a few new tools that I have built, finish furnishing my TIE Traveller and a few other little jobs.. I hope you enjoyed this little creation and will return to see what else is in store on FTSabersite.

As always I need to thank you all for your time and checking my site out. The support from you all is never-ending and means a lot to me, so whether a new or regular visitor leaving a view, comment or subscribing thanks. Till next time….

“TCE 2 Tissue Compression Eliminator” is a For Tyeth Editions design inspired by the “Tissue Compression Eliminator” device used by The Master in BBC TV’s Doctor Who series. The 3D model and renders were created in Blender 3D by For Tyeth/FTSabersite and are ©Copyright of For Tyeth/FTSabersite 2016-2024. “Doctor Who” and “The Master” along with the TCE device (and all other associated names, logos, images and related material) are Trademark/©Copyright of BBC TV/Disney+.

2 thoughts on ““TCE 2 Tissue Compression Eliminator ver 2” – The Master’s smaller more deadly device”

  1. I really must make the time to watch all the Dr Who, now there available.
    The third design was very recent if I recall.
    I do like how your branching out into other props.

    1. Hi MtPA, the Dr Who saga is good once you get past the fact some of the earliest episodes/seasons are really basic. However they do make sense and are solid and get better as the show progresses.
      And glad you are enjoying the different props and stuff – it has become a necessity for me as I can’t afford to watch all the new SW content on Disney+ so I have run out of material to be inspired by! So yes Dr Who is a bit of a life saver. Thanks as always my friend.

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